I've been a bit remiss in logging these rides, so here's a little cleanup:
Harpers Ferry ride
I had a couple of days out at the cabin so I decided to do another C&O adventure, but wanted to go the opposite direction from last time. That means south(ish) to Harpers Ferry.
The ride overall was pretty uneventful... I loaded the bike up again with heavy car camping gear only to remember, "hey there's that crazy hilly road detour, right?". Right. Undetered, I kept packing. I'm in bad need of a good hilly workout at that point.
When I was about 2 hours into the ride I realized I forgot my wallet. And cash. And credit card. Dumb. I texted my very patient and helpful girlfriend and we decided to meet for lunch in Shepherdstown. She brought my wallet and I gleefully paid for lunch.
The ride felt great after a long layoff, and I was rewarded with an empty campsite a mile or two from the bridge to Harpers Ferry. Rather than haul it across the river like last time, I locked it at the rack on the MD side and went all pedestrian style to WV. I drank 3 beers with dinner because dammit I could.
Early return the next day, and the detour segment felt good. I'm getting the hang of hills... Thankfully. I have a bazillions in CA in October.
Map of the return trip (the outbound trip bonked):
Harpers Ferry trip
Total miles = 123.6
Lake Ontario rides
I had yet another trip scheduled to visit my home town of Rochester, but this time I was able to strap the bike to my car and get some rides in. I'm fortunate that my patents live on Lake Road, right on the shores of Lake Ontario... It's a tremendously favorable biker route. A bunch of people have circumnavigated the Lake by bike, which sounds really cool after these rides.
Saturday I rocked a ride from Webster to Pultneyville. I got some great views on the way including Ginna (pronounced GIH-nay) Nuclear Plant and, of course, Lake Ontario. The weather was crazy muggy and hot for this time of year, but it didn't get in the way of attacking some of the more challenging hills of the season for me. Much harder ones to come, but my confidence is increasing. Good egg sandwich in Pultneyville (despite Ohio State dude's pokey pace - and yes, I had to go there Buckeye fan).
Lake Ontario 1
total miles = 35.5
Sunday brought early thunderstorms nearby, so I delayed til midmorning. My hope was to get out to Sodus and back... Which I accomplished, but not quite as far as I'd have liked. I got in just shy of 50 total miles and made it to the town of Sodus, but not Sodus Point (time was my enemy since I had midafternoon plans). Still, the hills felt good and I brought back a cherry pie for my dad and apple butter for my mom (awww!). Headwind was *brutal* coming back so I'll need to get used to that.
One mistake I made again was pushing past natural break times. I took only one for lunch at MM27 and felt it at the end. Taking breaks before feeling fatigue = your friend.
Lake Ontario 2 at EveryTrail
Total miles = 46.7 miles
Big props to my buddy James for rockin a multiweek ride from Portland, Oregon to SF. I am truly outclassed!! He rode a close approximation of my route from Fortuna to SF so I'll be mining tips from him next week for sure.
Next big ride: the big loop on my birthday on 9/9. Or I'll drink beer. Maybe both.